many-thanks-withywoodThe name ‘University of Withywood’ originates from our founder Anton Bantock’s home in Withywood, south Bristol, United Kindom. After early retirement from teaching, he turned his small bungalow into an open house where leactures, talks and local events took place. This evolved over the years and all the money raised went to into the Sponsorship Fund.


Anton’s family and friends decided to keep this organisation going after Anton’s death in 2015, as it has become his legacy. He had spent the best part of 40 years doing what he can to those less fortunate gain an education.

We run this organisation with no overhead costs, salaries or expenses. All donations go directly to helping young people their education.


We consider candidates from any disadvantaged communities, especially orphans, refugees, or people from subsistence economies. Depending on circumstances the money can be extended to cover education fees, materials such as books, living costs, medical bills and travelling expenses.
